Resolve Belkin Router DNS Issues By Changing DNS Settings

Published by: Alex George on December 15, 2013
DNS (Domain Name System) address is very important on the Internet because it translates domain names into corresponding IP addresses. By default, Belkin router is receiving default ISP DNS settings. In most cases, ISP Domain Name System works fine but rarely users face issues with less consistent service provided by their Internet Service Providers. In that case, we must use more reliable Domain Name System settings on Belkin router to resolve all DNS related issues. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change Domain Name System settings on it and fix any issues which prevent you from changing current settings in it.

Steps To Change DNS Settings On Belkin Router
  1. Login  Setup Page

    You can log in the setup page by using the IP address and by click on the Submit button.
    Change DNS Settings on Belkin Router

  2. Click on DNS under Internet WAN

    You can find this link under Internet WAN on the left-hand side of the page.
    I cannot change DNS value on Belkin router

  3. Uncheck checkbox near Automatic from ISP

  4. Enter the DNS address you want to set on Belkin router

    1. To enter Google Domain Name System address, use the data below.

      Primary Google Domain Name System:
      Secondary Google Domain Name System:

    2. To set Open DNS, enter the Domain Name System addresses below.

      Primary Open Domain Name System:
      Secondary Open Domain Name System:

    3. To enter Verizon global Domain Name System address, use the numbers below.


  5. Click on Apply Changes button after entering the numbers.

Unable to Change the Current DNS Address On Belkin Router
Rarely some users complain about failure in DNS address changing on the Belkin router. Here let us check how to troubleshoot it if you cannot change  Domain Name System settings on it. Some of the possible solutions to fix the issue are given below.
  1. Make sure the Checkbox near Automatic from ISP is unchecked

  2. Make sure your Belkin router is having the latest version of firmware. If not, update the firmware on it and then you can update the DNS settings without further issues. To learn more about it, click the link below.
    How to Update Firmware

  3. Reset and reconfigure your router. To learn how to reset Belkin router, click the link below.
    How to Reset  Wireless AP

After resetting your router, you must reconfigure it with the correct DNS address you want to set. To learn how to configure it for a DSL broadband connection, visit the link below.
How to Configure Belkin Wireless Device With DSL Broadband Connection
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