Service cannot be started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown

Updated by: Alex George on December 19, 2024

Yesterday, I encountered a strange error with my Windows laptop while troubleshooting WiFi connectivity problems. I was at a public hotspot with a few friends. Except for this device, all other laptops could connect to the network.

It displayed the message - Windows cannot find wireless networks. While opening the Dell Wireless utility, it shows the status of the Dell adapter as disabled. However, Device Manager shows that the device is working properly.

A possible issue might be with the Wireless Zero Configuration service. For Vista and later versions, WLAN AutoConfig is doing the same function. We accessed the services page and found the specific service status as stopped.

We pressed the button start, but it failed with a strange error. You can read the error message the Windows showed below.

Service cannot be started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown

So, I decided to share this experience with my CoreNetworkZ readers. A large portion of our readers have Windows 11 and Windows 10 laptops. So, if they see the same issue, my experience with this error will help them.

This tutorial on CoreNetworkz Tech Solutions explains how to deal with the error Service cannot be started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown. Follow this guide, and you will solve it quickly.

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Windows Socket Reset

    The first step to fix the error ( Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown) is to reset the Windows Socket. CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions published a detailed guide on resetting the Windows socket. Visit this link.

    Start the Command Prompt as administrator, type the following command, and press enter key.

    netsh winsock reset

    To go with advanced Windows Socket Permissions, follow this route.



    Right-click on the registry entry and click on permissions. Make sure that Winsock and Winsock2 have full permissions. Before testing with Registry, I recommend you to read the article provided below by visiting the link.

  2. Services must be running with full permissions

    It is important to ensure the services are running on the PC with full permissions. To verify it, follow the registry path and make sure your current user has full permissions.


  3. Make sure the Wireless button on the laptop is ON

    It might sound simple, but many people contacted our support section for wireless issues when the Wireless button turned off.

  4. Check Firewall settings

    Faulty computer firewall settings may prevent it from accessing the Internet. Turn off the firewall and check for the issue.

    If your Windows computer still shows the error(Service cannot be started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown), go to the next step.

  5. Perform a Clean Boot

    I suggest this step if all other solutions fail to resolve the error - Service Cannot be Started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown.

    Some third-party applications can hinder Windows 11 and result in errors. I published an article on CoreNetworkZ about clean boot. To learn more, I suggest you click this link.

  6. System Restore

    System Restore is the final solution to fix Service Cannot be Started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown error. Visit this link to read my previous guide on conducting a system restore.

Let me conclude this tutorial on how to resolve the Windows 11 error Service Cannot be Started Error 1747: The Authentication Service is Unknown. We, the Team CoreNetworkZ, are familiar with this error message due to our experience in developing Windows applications. That experience helped me develop this tutorial. I believe it will help our readers in solving this issue.


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Lol... you rock. Permissions to services did the trick. Where to learn how to tweak the registry ?

  2. It is happy to know that your issue is fixed. Always careful while tweaking with registry :)

  3. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Great! netsh winsock reset did it for me. Thanks, you spared me a lot of pain :)

  4. Thanks! thanks a lot!
    you´re a genoious!!

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Thanks a lot. Your post prevented a lot of frustration and loss of entire day.

  6. Anonymous7:42 PM

    This worked for me as well. Something else that i noticed was that, Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->System->CurrentControlSet->Services->EventLog (Right click on EventLog and select Permissions), I noticed that an unauthorized user account got created automatically and I went and deleted it. I think that must have helped as well.

  7. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This fixed the problem which I had. Thank you

  8. You are a superhero. Was about to put this machine in a trash compactor. Thank you!

  9. Thanks, I was having problems with a wireless adapter and the system restore to a previous date solved it.


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