Configure Automatic IP Addressing From Command Prompt & Adapter Properties

Published by: Alex George on February 13, 2025

Welcome to the System Administrator training section on CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions. Today, I will explain how to set a computer to receive an automatic IP address from a DHCP server.

Importance of Setting a PC to Receive IP Address automatically

Without a layer three address (IP or logical address), your computer cannot communicate with other devices in the network. You can either assign a static IP to your computer or configure it to obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server.

One of our regular readers, Enrico Sterpi, asked why we did not configure the IP address manually. The answer is simple.

For a smaller network, it is easy to assign Logical addresses manually to devices connected to the network. But it is not practical for a big network.

For bigger networks, it is better to use the option to get automatic IP configuration from the DHCP server in the network. So, I believe you understand why I prefer automatic IP addressing to manual IP addressing.

This tutorial explains different methods to configure a Windows computer to receive an IP address from an external DHCP server.

Different Methods to Obtain IP Address Automatically

Tom Battista Raggi asked me to explain different methods to obtain IP addresses automatically on a Windows 11 laptop. Let me answer him in this section.

In this section, I will explain two different methods to set a Windows computer to receive an IP address from an external DHCP server.

  1. DOS Prompt Command to Set Automatic IP Addressing

    Abdul Renish asked in the comment section to explain the steps to configure a Windows computer for an automatic IP address from the Command Prompt.

    You can set a PC to receive an automatic IP address from a DHCP server with a DOS command. Follow the instructions:

    1. Open Command Prompt As Administrator

      Type DOS in the Windows 11 search. Click run as administrator.

    2. Type the command

      netsh interface ip set address "connected adapter name " dhcp and press the enter key.

    The DORA will start now to get a logical address from the DHCP server. To learn more about the DORA process, visit the link below.

    So, I answered the questions asked by Adbul Renish and Tom Battista Raggi.

    Bruno Moretti asked me to explain how to change static IP to DHCP in the command prompt. Hello Bruno, execute the DOS command I mentioned, and your computer will start receiving IP addresses from the external DHCP server.

  2. Obtain an IP Address Automatically From Adapter Properties

    Some users may not want to set computers to receive an automatic Internet Protocol number from the command prompt. Let me share another method for them.

    1. Right click on the adapter icon in the system tray
      How to Set Your Computer to get Internet Protocol Automatically

    2. Click properties and select Internet Protocol version4 (TCP/IPv4)
      Dos command

    3. Click Properties

    4. Select the radio button Obtain an IP address automatically and click OK
      Obtain automatically

I have explained two methods to configure a Windows computer to receive an IP address from an external DHCP server.

Benefits Of Using Automatic IP Addressing

Harpal Singh shared his job interview experiences in the comment section. The interview board asked him about the benefits of using automatic IP addressing.

Let me share a few benefits here.

Since DHCP provides layer three numbers to computers, there won't be any Internet Protocol addressing error. DHCP assigns a unique IP address to every computer in the network without having an Internet Protocol address conflict.

Another advantage of using automatic addressing is the reduction in network configuration time. We do not need to spend the time to assign static IP addresses to devices in the network if all the devices can receive it automatically.




  1. Tom Battista Raggi3:23 AM

    Hello Alex,

    I bought a Windows 11 laptop from Dell. I tried the methods to renew the IP address automatically but failed. Can you explain another way to obtain an IP address automatically on this Dell laptop?

    1. Hello Tom,

      Welcome to CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions. I have updated the tutorial with an additional method to obtain an IP address automatically.

  2. Abdul Renish3:27 AM

    Hello Alex,

    Can we set an automatic IP address with the auto config IP address command?

    1. Hello Abdul Renish,

      I have updated the tutorial with an explanation of using DOS commands to obtain automatic IP addresses.

  3. Enrico Sterpi3:30 AM

    Why don't we fix a static IP address for each computer? Isn't it easier?

    1. Hello Enrico Sterpi,

      Assigning static IP addresses in a large corporate network is difficult.

  4. Harpal Singh3:52 AM

    Hello Corenetworkz Team,

    Thank you for this detailed tutorial. I am an aspiring network engineer who just started my networking courses. I attended a job interview recently. The HR asked me to list out the benefits of the auto config ip address. I could not tell all. I wish I had found this article before that interview.

    1. Hello Harpal Singh,

      Welcome to CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions. Thank you for sharing your job interview experience with us.

  5. Bruno Moretti5:07 AM

    Hello Alex,

    A helpful tutorial as usual from the CoreNetworkZ Team. However, you missed one important point. You did not explain how to change static ip to dhcp in the command prompt. Please add this part.

    1. Hello Bruno,

      Thank you for reminding me. I have updated the article.


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