Optimize Blogger Template To Rank High in Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo

Updated by: Alex George on April 18, 2023
Professional bloggers always look for more traffic to their blogs.

They implement different methods like Social Media Marketing, E-mail marketing, SEO, and PPC advertising to gain more visitors.

A successful blog is the result of the implementation of the above methods.

Which is the best method to bring more visitors to your blog?

Organic traffic is the best.

Organic traffic means visits from Search Engines.

How can we generate more organic visitors to our blogs?

We can do it by gaining better search rank in search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yep, etc.

This tutorial focuses the Blogspot bloggers.

Many professional bloggers (in the Blogspot platform) are developing unique quality content and updating their blogs regularly but fail to get better search results.

Why do you think many high-quality Blogspot bloggers fail to generate more visits?

It is because the default Blogspot template is not much search engine friendly. But a few tweaks can make blogger templates search engine friendly.

You will learn in this tutorial how to optimize a Blogger template to get a better Search Results Rank.

How to Make an SEO-Friendly Blogger Template?
An SEO-friendly Blogger Template must have a few key points. If you check those points, you do not need assistance from anyone else to find the correct theme for your Blogspot blog.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

Let me teach you how to find an SEO-optimized theme for your Blogspot blog.

Even if you have a template for your Blogger blog, you can optimize it for a higher Google Search Results Rank by following the below changes.

Optimize Your Blogspot Template For Better Search Results Rank

  1. Choose a Responsive Template

    The most important key to gaining a higher Google Search Results Rank for your blog is to install a responsive theme.

    Before choosing a Blogger theme, make sure it is a responsive theme.

    Not all Blogger templates in the market are responsive themes. So, be careful while choosing one.

    A responsive theme is a theme that can adjust itself to different screen sizes irrespective of the devices. In simple words, a responsive theme works on both mobile and desktop devices.

    So, how to check if a Blogger template is responsive?

    We have tools to check whether the Blogger template is a responsive theme. My favorite tool is Responsinator.

    You can open the Responsinator by visiting the following link.


    Let me explain this tool with an example. As you know, we have created a custom subdomain for our Blogger blog: travel.corenetworkz.com.

    • I chose a default travel template provided by the official Blogger theme.

      While testing that template with Responsinator, I received the following result.

      Responsinator showed me that the current theme on travel.corenetworkz.com is not good on mobile devices.

      Tip: Look for the horizontal scroll on the Responsinator device demo. A responsive template will not have a horizontal scroll on any device.

      This theme does not work on iPhone and Android devices.

    • So, I installed the latest template provided by the official blogger team.

      Responsinator shows the latest template works fine on iPhone, iPad, and Android Phones.

    You can also check how your Blogger blog looks on iPhones, iPad, and different Android phones using the tool Responsinator.

  2. Check the Blogger Theme For HTML Errors

    You learned how to pick a responsive template for your Blogger blog. The second step is to verify the template you chose has no HTML errors.

    So how to check for HTML errors on a Blogspot template?

    I use W3 HTML Validator to check HTML errors.

    You can go to this tool by visiting the link below.


    Let us check how to validate the HTML code on your Blogger Template.

    • Go to https://validator.w3.org/ and type the blog URL on the address field.

      Click the Check button to start the HTML validation.

    • You will see every HTML error and warning in the result.

      If you have coding experience, you can use this result to correct the HTML errors on the current template.

    If you do not have enough coding experience, you can use this validator to find a good template for your blog with minimum HTML errors.

  3. Let Blogger Shows Desktop Theme On Mobile Devices

    I believe you have selected a responsive theme for your Blogger blog. By default, Blogger shows different themes for mobile and desktop devices.

    But as we know, a responsive theme is mobile-friendly. So why do we need one additional template for mobile users?

    We want our blog to show the desktop theme on mobile devices, don't we? It will help us in our coming template optimization tweaks.

    Let us do it.

    • Log into your Blogger account.

    • Click on Theme.

      Click on the arrow mark on the Customize button.

    • Click Mobile Settings.

    • You will see a warning "Do you want to show Desktop or Mobile theme on mobile devices?".

    • Select the Desktop button. Do not forget to click the Save button.

    After this step, mobile users will start seeing the desktop theme.

  4. Google Mobile-Friendly Test

    Google says they use the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. This principle is called Google Mobile First Indexing.

    We must check whether our Blogger blog theme fits Google's Mobile First Indexing practice.

    You can check it by using the following tool.


    Visit the above link and type your blog URL on the field.

    Click the Test URL button.

    If your blogger blog passes the test, you will see a message page is usable on mobile.

    If your blog fails this test, you must change your current template immediately.

  5. Redirect Blogger Mobile Pages to Desktop Pages

    One of the critical SEO disadvantages of Blogger blog is the duplicate page creation for mobile users.

    Even though you force your Blogger blog to show the desktop theme to mobile users, they will see the mobile URL.

    I have a tutorial that explains this issue and solution. I recommend you read that tutorial to optimize your Blogger template for a higher Google Search Rank.

  6. Reduce Blogger Blog Page Loading Speed

    One of the signals that Google uses to rank a web page in Search Results is website loading speed.

    If you wish to appear your Blogger blog on the first page of Google Search Results, you must reduce the blog page loading speed.

    You can check your Blogger blog loading speed on PageSpeed Insights.

    To check the page loading speed of your Blogspot blog, visit the following link.


    Type your Blogger blog URL on the field and click the Analyze button.

    You can see different results for Desktop and Mobile.

    Use the inputs to improve the speed of your Blogger blog. A faster page can expect a better Search Rank in Google results.

  7. Remove Unnecessary Scripts From your Blogger Template

    One of the main reasons for a slower Blogger template is the use of heavy scripts.

    Always choose a neat and clean theme for your Blogger blog. Do not use heavy scripts because they will slow down your blog loading speed.

  8. Check Browser compatibility

    Make sure your Blogger blog theme is compatible with all major browsers.

    Plenty of tools are available to check the cross-browser compatibility of a Blogger site. All you have to do is to type Browser Compatibility Checker on Google.

  9. Make sure only one H1 tag on a Page

    Many Blogspot themes have more than one H1 tag on a page. I was a victim of this problem.

    You must not use more than one H1 tag on a Web Page.

    You can check it from the page source of your blog posts. Open your Blog page on a browser. You can use Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Edge, etc.

    Press the Control and U keys together to open the page source.

    Now press the Control and F keys together to open a search window.

    Type <h1 and press the Enter key.

    Make sure only one H1 tag is available on that page.

  10. Blogger Blog Post Title Optimization

    This point is valid only for those who are using classic Blogger templates. However, I suggest you check your blog post title tag too.

    The title tags of every ( classic template )Blogger blog post look like this:

    Blog title + Post title

    So if you have a long attractive title for a blog, that will repeat in every published post.

    Search Engines consider only the first 62 characters in the title tag.

    So we need to change the tag structure as shown below (WordPress ensures Search Engine friendly post title tags).

    This point applies to Blogger Classic Templates only.

    Post title + Blog title

    Now we have the advantage that search engines will see the post title first. We need to edit the default blogger template to change the Blogspot headline structure.

    How to Optimize Blogger To Make Sure Blog post Title Appears before Blogger Title?

    1. Log on to Blogger account.Click the Template.

      Optimize Blogger blog Template for better Search rank and traffic

    2. Click on Edit template.
      Optimize blogger blog title and blog post title to improve traffic rank

      Find the code below (Press [Ctrl] and [F] and enter the code to find it quickly).


      with the following one.

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
      <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

      Save the current template.

You have learned ten points to optimize a Blogger Blog Template to get higher Search Results Rank in Google and other Search Engines.

If you are interested, I suggest you read some of our other tutorials on Blogger themes.

  1. How to Show JavaScript or HTML Code on Blogger Blog Posts?
  2. How to Display Unlimited Comments Under Blogger Post Without Pagination?
  3. How to Change the Font Size on Blogger Posts?
  4. How to Change Link Color On Blog Posts From Blogger Template Designer?
  5. Remove Date Number (Year & Month Figure) From Blogger Post URL
  6. How to Set Up Custom Domain Name For a Blogger Blog?


  1. Great tips Siju. I'm going to implement it & will post the results.

  2. It will result a hike in traffic.Because, by using this tweak we can better utilize the precious space in the title tag.

  3. Anonymous8:32 AM

    That’s Too nice, when it comes in india hope it can make a Rocking place for youngster.. hope that come true.


  4. Patrick5:26 AM

    I was actually looking for a reason why wordpress is SEO friendly than blogger. After reading your article I understand the reason. Thank you brother now my blogger blog is also well optimized.

  5. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Greetings i am new to this board i hope i will be able to help out & give something back here because i have learned allot myself.


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  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Thanks for this blogspot trick

  7. Thanks, I will use it also!

  8. Really very useful,thanks for sharing ..this code will at least help in doing proper on-page optimization...


  9. Thanks for the tip!


  10. Great tip, thanks.


  11. thnaks man it's a good tip

  12. so frustrated, no matter what I try it keeps telling me template error, it tells me how end tags should be after "cond" and it stays in error ;(

  13. Please make sure the Check-box before "Expand Widget Templates" is checked.

  14. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Thanks, after swapping the order of blog and blog posts titles, I see a huge difference in traffic.


  15. Ellys Directory4:12 AM

    Nice 1. thanks for your information. coz i still new on blogger.

  16. Can't find the above code in my blogger new contempo template. Please Help.

  17. Can't find the above code in my blogger new contempo template. Please Help.

  18. @ Zaheer

    Blogspot shows the title tags in the correct way on the latest Blogger templates. So you do not need to change the code.


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