Calculate the Traffic Required to Earn $100 Per Day From Google AdSense

Updated by: Alex George on July 18, 2024

Before the introduction of the Google AdSense program, it was not so easy to earn from a website without getting direct ads from sponsors.

Until then, earning from websites had been difficult for a small Webmaster.

Only Big Guns enjoyed the benefits of getting direct ads from potential clients.

The introduction of AdSense proved even small Webmasters and Bloggers can earn a decent amount of money from their online presence and showed them a new career.

Does Google AdSense suit every website?

But how can a blogger or webmaster determine if Google AdSense is the right program for their website to earn money?

They should get a rough idea of how much money they can get from the AdSense program.

We can calculate the average daily AdSense income by analyzing the daily traffic.

In this article, you can get a rough idea of possible AdSense income from a website by calculating the amount of traffic it gets per day.

This tutorial calculates the required daily website page views to earn $100 from Google AdSense.

Let's Check the Minimum Traffic Required to Earn $100 Per Day from Google AdSense

The simple calculation below will give you an idea of the daily web traffic required to earn $100.

Here, we assume the website (or blog) gets quality traffic (traffic from Search Engines) and advertisements units are at the correct positions.

The number of visitors is not equal to the number of page views.

A single visitor can create multiple page views. So, we consider the total page views a more relevant factor (AdSense also pays for impressions).

So, let us calculate the minimum page views required to earn 100 dollars from a blog in a day.

Traffic Required To Make $100/day

Here we go.

  1. Our target is $100 per day.

  2. Average CTR = 1.5% ( is the normal CTR for a website).

  3. Average CPC = $0.2 (Depends on many factors. { The medium of different CPCs from different countries and possible CPM revenues} ).

  4. Page Impressions = 1.5 X { Unique Visitors (Traffic) } -----> We assume an ordinary visitor visits 1.5 pages on a website.

    CPM means Cost Per 1000 Impressions.

    AdSense occasionally shows CPM ads. CPM ad units generate income from impressions.

  5. Web Traffic Source Country

    We assume this website receives mixed traffic from various countries.

The Formula to Find Potential Google AdSense Income From a Blog

Here, we check the potential AdSense income from a blog. So to find the required traffic to earn $100, the formula is:

Clicks * CPC =Income

Where clicks = CTR * Page Impressions --->Where CTR is in percentage.

Here Clicks = 100/ 0.2

= 500

CTR = [Clicks /Page Impressions] * 100

1.5 = [500/ Page Views ]* 100

=> Page Views = (500 * 100 )/ 1.5

=> Page Views = 50000 / 1.5

=> Page Views = 33333.33

To earn $100 per day from Google AdSense with CTR 1.5 and CPC 0.2, we need 33333 Page views. In our assumption, Page Views is the multiple of 1.5 * Visits (traffic).

By the term web traffic, we consider the number of unique visitors.


Traffic = Page Views / Pages visited by unique visitor

= 33333 / 1.5

= 22222

So, the required traffic to our website to earn $100 per day is 22222 unique visits.

PS: It is my calculation based on my webmaster experience, and it does not ensure that 33333 page views will get you $100 from Google Adsense. To acquire more income from AdSense, the webmaster must apply different strategies to improve the CTR and use more high-paying keywords to increase CPC.

The IT Professionals' community SysToSys also shares my calculation in their discussion thread. You can read different website owners share their experience with AdSense earnings from their websites.

Predicting the AdSense Income From Your Blog

Now, you can answer anyone who asks how he can make $100 a day with Google AdSense.

You can also explain to a blogger how much he can earn in a day from AdSense by showing this calculation.

I recommend you use this calculation with some logical addition if your niche is not technology.

Different niches show different CPC and CTR. CoreNetworkZ has multiple tutorials on this topic. If you have doubts, you can contact me through our support forum.


  1. how to get 10$ a day how much pageviews required and also check out my site

  2. Hi Shree,

    Adsense income is also depends on the Cost Per click of the ads display on your blog. Your blog is a technology related so I assume the average CPC as $0.2 and Click Though Rate as 1.5

    So for $10 your blog require 3333 page views per day. This is my rough calculation.

  3. I earn 2 dollars a day. Can you help me increase my blog traffic, in order to generate more clicks and impression. Thanks

  4. Please follow the tips provided in the below link to improve your adsense earning and traffic.

    Get more traffic to your blog

  5. Mine Blog :
    I dnt Hav adsence bt vl get soon ,,,

  6. rakesh1:56 AM

    My Blog is earn money related how to get S10 per day.?Thanks.

  7. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Pageviews today 1651
    Pageviews yesterday 1739
    Pageviews last month 37,160
    Pageviews all time history 131,558

    my site its started about 3 months only it is getting 1000 page views daily how much can i earn with google and google alternatives

  8. Siju George10:56 PM

    Nice stats congrats. However, your niche is a low paying one. So you may not expect high income though your blog has decent traffic.

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I have daily 200 page views.and my blog is two moths when i applied to adsense.?

  10. Siju George10:37 AM


    According to adsense guidelines they need a website at least older than 6 months to apply for adsense.

  11. Siju George11:23 AM


    You should write quality unique content for your blog to earn from adsense. You cannot copy and paste from other websites.


    You need more content on your blog. Keep writing and you will get nice traffic.

  12. nice article.
    I have a blog and i want to earn $10 per day but traffic is too low. what can i do?

  13. Anonymous6:40 AM

    This RAJARAM my boger daily 500 views
    but disproved to the google adsens
    please check my bloger
    you will advise me sir,


    1. google approved adsense only for recognised laguages as per google terms. telugu language does not supported for adsense policy. write content in english with above 40 posts in your blog than reapply for adsense.

  14. Siju George6:44 AM

    Hi Rajaram,

    Getting 500 views per day is good and keep working on it. However, your blog niche (I made star in your URL) is not supported by Google adsense. If you want to earn from Google adsense please start a blog in adsense supported niches.

  15. Jyoti Raja3:04 AM

    My bog is getting 1000 visits per day. How much money from adsense I can expect per month ?

  16. Admin3:06 AM

    Hi Jyoti,

    without knowing the niche, CTR etc we cannot estimate the Adsense potential of your blog.

  17. Thanks admin for such a nice question is -my daily pageviews is around 30 and my blog is 33 days old is this OK or not and my blog is ok for adsense approval

  18. Siju George5:58 AM

    Hi Johny,

    First of all thanks for reading my blog and congrats for having a blog with 9,248 visits per week. Let me answer your questions one by one.

    1. CTR = Total Clicks on ads displayed on your blog/ Total page impressions

    What is CTR and How to Calculate your blog's CTR

    2. Blog Visits and income shows an estimated number and it cannot be true. To know the actual visitor count for your blog either you should install Google analytics code or check the Stats count integrated in blogger.

    3. Earning

    As I mentioned, the amount (potential) shown by statscrop is not a real value. About your blog: Since your blog discuss topics which are not in Adsense approved niches, I afraid your blog does not have the potential to earn as a technology or other high CPC blogs.

    How to Calculate CPC

  19. Siju George6:11 AM


    Getting 30 Page views for a one month old technology blog is a nice start. However, to get adsense approval your blog should be at least 6 month old.

  20. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I am using BuySellAds to monetize my blog. I am actually confused how much i should charge for my ads place. Do BuySellAds accept me if I charge $100 for an ads slot ? I can give you my blog URL if you want.

  21. Anonymous2:03 AM

    Can you tell me is Adsense or BuySellAds pay more?

  22. Got approved in adsense recently.
    I m getting 300 pageviews daily.
    How much i will earn per month???

  23. Siju George10:07 PM

    @ Abhijit,

    First of all Congrats. You just wait and see the average CPC and CTR you are getting. Using that details you can easily find an estimate of your website's Adsense potential.

  24. sir

    my name is prasad,am from tirupathi india am very new to blog is
    just opened and created adsense and blogging about to Tirumala Sri vekateswara swamy. please let me give details regarding my blog


  25. 14,567 page views
    387 clicks earning only 29 dollars.

    is it is good or very low?

  26. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Thanks I am earning $1 per day from adsense. I will improve it to $100

  27. Admin8:51 AM

    @ Lucky Prasad,

    I read your blog, very informative. Write more about the temple, prayers, how to reach temple, important festivals etc. It will improve the traffic to your blog.

  28. Admin9:06 AM

    Hi Yashi,

    Your CTR is 2.65 and it is good for a blogger.

    Your CPC seems very low. With 387 clicks you should have earned more than $29. However, CPC depends on niche.

  29. Admin9:08 AM


    You have a nice website but the Facebook like script loading every time I open a page on your blog seems a little annoying. How about your daily visit and page views ?

  30. my website is following
    can u give comments on this regarding eraning and potential of site!
    i have 1000+ unique visitors daily on my site

  31. Hi Latif,

    I have checked your website and seems a good site with valuable information for job hunters. Having 1000 unique visitors per day is a good stats and I wonder not seeing any ads on your website ...

    You should more focus on the URL of your pages (for eg: and make sure your page URL is keyword rich.

  32. Admin1:54 AM

    Hi Ajay,

    You have a nice blog and I can see you have a consistent post frequency. That is good.If you remove some of the popups on your blog, you will get more ads clicks. Script to get more Facebook likes and 'welcome to my blog' script seems a little bit annoying.

  33. Hello, I'm getting around 700 daily pageviews. Could you suggest how much I can make through adsense ?

  34. Admin1:25 PM

    Hi Vinod,

    You have a nice theme based blog. Revenue from AdSense depends on many factors like where the traffic from (eg: US traffic has higher monetary value than Indian traffic right now), Social traffic or Search Engine traffic (Search Engine traffic is high quality traffic compared to other modes), CPC of ads (brands whose ads showing on your blog) etc.

    You should carefully analyze the above facts and compare them with the calculation provided in the article. Best of luck with your blogging career..

  35. Wow you are good in mathematics. By your calculation I get $1 per day from adsense program. Surprise... it is same like how you calculated.

  36. Hi Fawad, thanks for your comment. I found your website much interesting and glad to see you update it regularly. Since gadgets are good paying niche, your website has huge potential. Try to improve your website's traffic.

  37. To get Adsense account, your blog should be at least 6 month old with a lot of useful quality content. To get more information visit the link below.

  38. can you please give me some suggestions to get ads in blog

  39. sir check my blog and tell me daily adsense revenue

  40. Venkat10:12 AM


    I started a blog, which now has 300 daily visits. Please see my blog at and suggest ways to improve the traffic. It is only two months old

  41. @ Venkat,

    You have a nice blog. Keep writing more good articles, you will get more traffic in future. Do not forget doing SEO for your blog.

  42. 46,074 page views
    413 clicks earning only 48 dollars.

    is it is good or very low?
    my site:-

  43. @MD Rafee,
    I have visited your blog and the CTR of 0.9% is very good with the sum of total earning $48. Keep it up.

  44. Hi Admin,

    This is Bekal, I have local search website for UAE. i have only 400/d viewer until now. CPC is 1$. how many viewer i required to earn 1000$/m? And also how to popular my website.

  45. Hi Bekal,

    Earning from online business using Google AdSense require higher number of visitors unless you are selling products or services. To gain more traffic to your site, you must popularize its brand and use the already established platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

    To earn $1000/month with $1 CPC, you can use the same calculation given in this tutorial but you may change the average CPC $0.2 with $i. You may need the CTR from the AdSense report to complete the calculation.

  46. @ viral glitch ,
    That is an impressive number. Congrats.

  47. Hi Srinivas,

    Thanks for the extra information

  48. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Thank you for your Information. However, based on my experience as a blogger, I have noticed a high CTR on downloads niche blog and a very low CTR on a blogging niche blog. But the CPC is more on blogging niche and less on downloads and tech niche.

    Some people are saying, using fewer ads will increase the revenue. I am not sure about it when Google itself providing the facility. Since my inception of the blog, I have placed ads in the same place by utilizing all the ad space, even I know my blog is eligible for matched content ads. If you don’t have content and have ads placed’s hard to earn, if you have content and even if you don’t place ads correctly, your income may be little less...

    Anyways, after reading your post I changed few things on my blog. Those are very useful in increasing my CTR. Now I am getting CTR 3% to 4%. That feels good to me.

  49. @nigerianscitizens,

    Which tool you are using to check your website page views?

    If it is Google analytics, it is common that there is a difference between page views reported by AdSense with it. Major reason is the lack of AdSense ads for certain page views.

  50. @Dipu

    You have a beautiful website and I am happy to hear that has 5000 page views a day. Here is a few suggestions from me.

    1. Check your website loading time. It would be great if you reduce it a bit more

    2. It is better place Ads inside the content rather than at the end of the posts.

  51. Nice information, keep it up.

  52. such a nice artical...

  53. Hello Bro I am Holding four blogs with adsense.
    Two blogs with 0.1 CPC & 0.4 CPC
    TWO BLOG 0.10 & 0.7

  54. I made a TECH Website in May 2021. Worked hard for one year and wrote 115 articles there. A year later some articles on Google in the UK Got ranked. Then suddenly Google's update came in May 2022 and the views on my Website went from 2 to 5 and all the keywords disappeared.
    Then in November 2022, suddenly the views increased again. The keywords that had disappeared are again forward. 250-350 views start coming on the blog by February 2023
    Can you tell why this happened and can I earn money from this blog.

    1. Hi Sanatan,

      It is a common phenomenon among webmasters. Google makes changes to its ranking algorithm periodically and websites rank changes.

      You should read Google core update to learn more about it.

      You can earn money from a blog by applying for Google AdSense or Amazon affiliate.

  55. My blog:
    Haven't started adsense yet

  56. 35k pageviews
    800 clicks
    How much money can I make;;


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