How to Disconnect a Call in Android Phone

Published by: Alex George on March 10, 2011
I purchased a Samsung Galaxy 551 while hearing the features and many good reviews. It supports 3G and the OS is Android Froyo. Processor speed is 667 MHz and supports up to 32 GB storage. Wi-Fi is pretty good as it supports all major wireless standards (802.11 b/g/n ). Here I am talking about an issue I faced with Samsung Galaxy 551 (Samsung I5510). After purchasing this phone I received a call from one of my friend. After finishing the call he dumped his phone elsewhere without disconnecting it. This time I really surprised because there is no button or symbol to disconnect the call from my end. I saw a disconnect symbol while I attend the call but I moved from that screen to a different screen while checking a number stored in phone memory. So I missed the disconnect symbol and there is no way to go back to that symbol again. No visible touch screen option or no hardware button to end the call in this Samsung Galaxy phone set. You can understand my frustration after the realization where you cannot end the phone call in just one click. You have to go for a set of actions to end the call. It is a design feature of Samsung Galaxy 551 or a bug in the design? Anyway, after some research I found two methods to disconnect the call in this Samsung Galaxy phone.

Disconnecting calls in Android phones

End Call in Android Handset -method 1

After finishing the call, to end it you may slide the top bar notification and click on end call. The real problem with this method is, we cannot slide the notification bar so easily while we are in a call. So I do not think it is a so easy method to disconnect the call. I would always prefer a hardware button to end the call rather than any touch screen method which you need to drag a window first and then click on end call. So I was looking for an alternate method to end the phone call by any hardware button. None of the four buttons (3 on front panel + power button) was able to disconnect the call. Surprisingly there was no call button in the sliding keypad (QWERTY ).

Use Power button to end the call in Android Phone

I googled for an answer and found so many complaints regarding Samsung Galaxy 551 and even I heard the return rate of this product is more than 33%. I am not sure if the above statistics is right but I am sure there are some bugs in this phone. Then in one forum, I found a method to use power button to end the call where right now pressing power button just turning off the screen while I am in a call. So how to disconnect a call in Android Smartphone? We can use the Power button to disconnect a call in Android Phone.

How to Set Power button to Disconnect a Call in Android Smartphone

We can set the Samsung Galaxy 551 power button to end a call by enabling it in Accessibility settings. To do this follow the steps below.

1. Click on Applications

2. Click on Settings

3. Click on Accessibility

4. Enable the Accessibility setting to change power button to ends a call

PS: Maybe Samsung thinks all their customers are very techie and genius to understand how to disconnect a phone call even though there is no disconnect button and no direct touch screen display. Hats off to them.

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  1. Boss... I have the same phone, but I see a disconnect button everytime :-)
    However undoubtedly this phone has some other serious bugs and issues.

  2. H Yogesh,

    Thanks for your comment. Have you check the disconnect button after going from call menu to some other places ?

  3. Thnx buddy.. nice info.. do u have any idea if we can put our messeges password protected.. THnx..

  4. thanks for this valuable info. i too had the same problem with the samsung galaxy pop i559. this was a very useful info. thanks once again

  5. Thanks Deejay, for your comment.

  6. Hi,

    At times my Galaxy 551 is going blank all of a sudden. The features keep working, and the phone is half active at these times, just that nothing is displayed on the screen.

    Has anyone else faced a similar issue with this phone ?


  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
    I was about to throw my phone through a window - I was very frustrated about this. Thanks again!

  8. I have this phone, and it took me awhile to figure it out, but once that screen goes away, you just have to press the bottom left button. It will bring it up again and you will be able to disconnect.

  9. Thanks for your new tip Rhys.

    @Nitin. I never faced the similar issue.

  10. yeah, it works, thx a lot.

  11. Anonymous8:34 AM

    does the internet work in your phones?
    Please reply quickly.

  12. Yes, Internet is working fine.

  13. Did you try to go to Accessibility options and make the power button end calls? I did and I get a message saying there are no Accessibility options available. The instructions given are useless they can't be used.

  14. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Well, its not a big problem. You can easily fix it with few troubleshooting steps. Just check it out here

  15. Hi David,
    I did the same and it is working. Please check the version of Android running in your Galaxy.

  16. You need to install some application like talkback to enable Accessibility power button settings .to do this just install talkback from marketplace

  17. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Thanks I was wondering how to disconnect phone call in my new Android smart phone.

  18. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Thanks so much for this link,I was starting to hate this phone and about to sell it and get something else. such a dumb design!!!!!


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