Combine All Open Chrome Browser Windows By Single Click

Published by: Alex George on March 01, 2011
While browsing, we may get into a situation of handling multiple browser windows with multiple tabs. If you have multiple windows of same browser opened, you may face trouble handling them. It would be nice to have a feature to join all the open windows together for better management. Fortunately, we can join all open browser windows together on Google Chrome very easily. There is an extension which helps users to merge all open pages together and it is named as JoinTabs. It combines all open windows into a single chrome window by a simple procedure. We can do it either by GUI method or by shortcut key method. Let us check the installation and working of JoinTabs extension.

How to Install Join Tabs
  1. Visit the following page on Google Chrome

  2. Click on Plus button
    combine all Chrome Windows

    If you have the older version of JoinTabs, you may see the below screen.

    Here you should click on the install button.

  3. After installing Join Tabs, you can see a magnet symbol on the right-hand top.

    In order to join multiple open windows, you should click on the JoinTabs icon on the Chrome browser. All open windows will be joined automatically.

Keyboard Shortcut to Combine Chrome Browser Windows

We have seen the GUI method to combine all open Google Chrome browser windows. If you are not comfortable with the GUI method, we can combine all open pages by pressing a set of keys. However, to do it, we must enable the short cut keys first. By default, this shortcut key combination is not enabled. We need to activate it and then onwards we can combine all open pages by pressing [M] and [Ctrl] buttons. Following instructions explain how to enable shortcut keys to combine all open browser windows together.
  1. Right click on join Tabs symbol on right-hand top

  2. Click on Options

  3. Check enable Shortcuts

  4. After enabling keyboard shortcut, press [Ctrl] + [M] to join multiple Google Chrome windows.

If you want to combine all new pages opened to combine to single window automatically, you can do it by enabling the option "Combine new pages immediately" under the automatic heading. After checking this box, all the new pages opened will be automatically combined to a single parent window.

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