FTP Error 503 Login Authentication Failed

Published by: Alex George on February 22, 2025

Welcome to CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions. Today, I will explain one FTP error message- 503 Login Authentication Failed, and the quick fix.

Yesterday, while trying to access my web hosting account, I received an error message 503 Login Authentication Failed.

I have been using FireFTP as my FTP client for one year and never faced such an issue. I had been using FileZilla before migrating to FireFTP, but it never showed such a problem. However, I do not believe it is an issue with FireFTP.

I checked the username, password, and host address, but they were correct. I tried to log in to the web host account a few more times but received the same error.

One time, it showed a different alert with the same code.

The new popup was "503 Login error". This tutorial explains the reasons and the solution for "503 Login Authentication Failed". Since I was in a hurry, I couldn't troubleshoot the issue yesterday. I deleted the entire FTP cache and manually entered the FTP server access details. This time, I didn't face any trouble accessing the web server.

Rajiv Adatia asked me in the comments if I could share the screenshot. Luckily, I saved the screenshot of the popup I received.

503 Login Authentication FTP Error

Why do I Get a 503 Login Authentication Failed Error Message?

Amit Pawan and John Berg asked for reasons for this FTP error. Just like Amit, I also was curious.

So, I started searching for more about this message. In many discussion forums, experts say "503 Login Authentication Failed" is due to the incorrect username or password.

Wrong FTP login credentials will result in a 503 Login error.

You may get an alert if the host address is wrong. Another possibility is the usage of Caps Lock without knowing that the key is on while entering the username and password. Anyway, after clearing the cache of my FTP program (deleting previously saved username, password, and host address), I successfully logged in to my server ftp account.

Solution For FTP Error 503 Login Authentication Failed

Julia Bedell and William Smith asked for a solution to fix this FTP error while establishing a connection between the web server and the computer.

The reason for 503 Login Authentication Failed: An FTP error occurred - cannot make connection to host is the incorrect File Transfer Protocol login information.

Now, let us check the solution.

  • Port Number should be 21 (the FTP server uses port number 21 to transfer files).

  • The host address, FTP username, and password should be correct.

  • Make sure to turn off the Caps Lock.

  • If the problem is still not fixed, clear the cache.

PS: Clearing the cache means deleting all stored FireFTP usernames, passwords, and host addresses. You have to back up the necessary details you entered.


  1. https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=24336
  2. https://superuser.com/questions/809826/ftp-cannot-connect-using-filezilla-on-windows-503-failure-of-data-connection


  1. cvrt031:03 AM

    How to delete ftp cache?

    1. Which FTP client do you use?

  2. by simply using delete button we can delete selected ftp username and details from ftp cache..

  3. Outbound email filtering11:24 AM

    Deleting the FTP cache clears out the error 503

  4. Julia Bedell12:13 AM

    Hello Alex,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with FireFTP. I use it on my work laptop and saw the same error while uploading WordPress files. Could you explain the solution?

    1. Hello Julia,

      Welcome to CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions. I explained the reason for and solution to this error in the tutorial.

  5. John Berg12:15 AM

    The reason, please

    1. Hello John,

      I explained the reason in the tutorial. Thank you for your comment.

  6. William Smith12:22 AM

    Hello Alex,

    I am using CuteFTP to transfer files between my computer and web server. CuteFTP also showed a similar error code today. I searched for the CuteFTP 503 Login error in the support forum, but no results. Can you help?

    1. Hello William,

      Welcome to CoreNetworkZ Tech Solutions. I suggest you read the solution part of the tutorial to fix your login error with CuteFTP.


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