My Blog Crossed 100000 Page Views Per Month

Updated by: Alex George on May 10, 2011
First of all, I would like to say thanks to all my blog readers who helped me to achieve the goal of 100000 Page Impressions per month. Right now successfully maintains 100000 page views per month for one month and I would like to share this happy news with all my blog's readers. With more than 72K visits, this blog received more than 100K Page impressions in this month and I can proudly say now joined 100K club. I would like to share the screenshots from Google analytics for my readers. I hope my success will inspire other newbie bloggers and I am grateful if this can bring more passionate bloggers. I saw the 100K cross one month ago but I want to make sure it is not just a temporary effect. So I decided to wait for at least one month to make sure it is not just a temporary effect. Now with one month steady analysis of received page impressions, I can state that my blog is getting 100K Page views per month.

This is the traffic graph from Google analytics.

How to get 100K traffic per month

Country Basis Traffic details

This blog is getting more visitors from the United States and the second position goes to India. The United Kingdom is the third country and Canada is in the fourth position. You can see the traffic map given below to analyze the country based traffic to this blog.

100K page impressions per month

Major Traffic Sources for my Blog

According to Google analytics, the major traffic source is Google.

Major traffic sources to my blog

83.02% traffic comes from Search Engines. Yahoo is the second major source of traffic to my blog and Bing at the third position. My blog is getting 10.70% direct Traffic and other sites contribute 6.23% traffic.


  1. Anonymous12:42 AM


  2. Ashok9:54 PM

    That is a great success. Congrats

  3. Ramesh10:37 PM

    Man you are rocking!!!!!

  4. Ashish11:25 PM

    It is not so easy to achieve this victory. Congratulations.

  5. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I will take years to get 100k visits to my blog

  6. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Hai George , share some tips with us

  7. large pageviews and only 7 comments ??

  8. Yogesh1:07 AM

    Inspiring success. One day I too will achieve it.

  9. Preeti11:53 AM

    Share tips for us please

  10. Ankit Jaiswal1:04 PM

    Very impressive figure I hop to get there

  11. Arul Das1:05 PM

    Good start man. Now target 1 Lakh per day.

  12. Lalaji1:07 PM

    I lost most of my passion for blogging after seeing this page. Wow 100k per month. I don't even crossed 10k till today from the beginning.

  13. Great..!

    I just started a blog.

    Please advise me how do I get more traffic from google.

  14. Hi Jupiter,

    You have a nice blog and my first advice is to buy a custom domain name for your blog. Also write more articles and stay with single niche. You may read the article by following the link below.


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