How to Stop Redirecting Visitors From ?m=1 Blogspot Pages?

Updated by: Alex George on July 19, 2024

One of the most critical points to maintaining the quality of a website is to avoid duplicate content on it. Google does not like blogs that have different pages with the same content.

Other search engines(Bing, DuckduckGo, etc.) also demand unique content from a blog.

They do not like a website/blog that offers the same content through more than one URL.

My Personal Experience With ?m=1 Blogger Redirection

I am doing my best to maintain each page on CoreNetworkZ unique, but I recently noticed duplicate content issues.

This duplicate page issue is not from my side. Blogger itself is the reason for this duplicate page issue. Blogger automatically generates different post URLs for mobile users.

The intention of the Blogger team is good, but the problem is the landing web page URL for the mobile visitors. Blogger adds an affix ?m=1 to each URL. So, the visitors can access the same content through two different links.

It attracts duplicate content issues. We must turn off the Blogger mobile view to solve this ?m=1 landing page redirection issue.

?m=1 mobile pages no longer create duplicate issues. Blogger adds a Canonical tag automatically on its updated Blogger themes.

I am using a responsive theme for, and there is no need to generate separate post links for mobile users.

Effect of Blogger ?m=1 Pages On Search Results

Blogspot redirects mobile users to the mobile version, and those page URLs end with ?m=1. That is why, you can see, page links end with ?m=1 on Google Analytics.

Here are the screenshots of my Google Analytics report, which shows how much impact this ?m=1 redirection.

How to remove ?m=1 from Blogger Posts URL

See, at least half of our visitors are landing on URLs ending with ?m=1. Those are visiting CoreNetworkZ on mobile phones.

Even though the different links for Blogspot mobile users do not create a duplicate content problem, I recommend you use the same URL for mobile and desktop users for the natural link development process.

Since they are on mobile phones, Blogspot automatically redirected them to the mobile version of the site.

Is it important to remove ?m=1 from URL to Rank on Top of Google Search Results Page?

You can see from the list that Blogspot allows visitors to access the same content from two different URLs.

The SEO Effect on Blogger Mobile Redirect ?m=1

Look at the URLs given below. Both links point to the same page. The first URL is the landing page for desktop and tab users. The second URL is the landing page for mobile visitors.


Those visiting my blogger post on mobile phones will reach the ?m=1 page. Both pages show the same content.

It violates Google's search quality guidelines by not allowing users to access the same information through different links.

Blogger adds the rel='canonical' tag in its latest themes to avoid content duplicate problems.

To remove Blogspot links with ?m=1, follow the instructions given below.

Turn Off The Blogger Mobile Redirect to the ?m=1 Page

In this guide, I will teach you a three-step solution to permanently stop mobile visitors from redirecting to the Blogspot ?m=1 pages. You should not skip the steps and ensure that you follow the same order.

  1. Choose a Responsive Theme For Your Blogspot Blog

    The first step to remove Blogger ?m=1 from the post URL is to choose a responsive theme. A responsive theme works on every device (PC, laptop, tablet, and phone).

    If you do not know much about it, visit the link below.

  2. Choose the Desktop theme On the Mobile Device

    The second step is to force the Blogger CMS to show the desktop theme on mobile devices.

    Some users may not see this option. Then, you can skip it.

    1. Log in to your Blogger account, and once you are on the dashboard of the specific blog, click Theme on the left-hand side menu.

    2. Click the Settings icon below the mobile theme view.

      How to Remove Blogger m=1 from URLs
    3. Choose the radio button near the "No. Show the desktop theme on mobile devices" and click the Save button. If you wish to see the mobile version of your site, you may click on the preview button.

      How to solve /?M=1 redirecting in blogger?

  3. Turn Off the Automatic Blogger Mobile Redirection

    The final step is to add a simple JavaScript code to your Blogger theme.

    1. Go to the Blogger theme

    2. Click the Customize button and select Edit HTML .

      How to remove ?m=1 from URL in blogger in Hindi and Tamil Blogspot blogs
    3. Paste the below JavaScript code before the </body></html> tag.

      <script type="text/javascript">
      var uri = window.location.toString();
      if (uri.indexOf("%3D","%3D") > 0) {
      var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("%3D"));
      window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);
      var uri = window.location.toString();
      if (uri.indexOf("%3D%3D","%3D%3D") > 0) {
      var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("%3D%3D"));
      window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);
      var uri = window.location.toString();
      if (uri.indexOf("&m=1","&m=1") > 0) {
      var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("&m=1"));
      window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);
      var uri = window.location.toString();
      if (uri.indexOf("?m=1","?m=1") > 0) {
      var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("?m=1"));
      window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);

      If you are not sure, have a look at the screenshot below.

      How do we remove /? M=1 from Blogspot blog? The best answer.
    4. Save the changes.


From now on, Blogspot will not redirect mobile visitors to the pages with links that end with ?m=1. So, you are finally free from the risk of displaying the same content on two different pages.

Potential Issues When the Blogger Serves Different URLs for Desktop and Mobile Visitors

I am a Blogger theme developer and an SEO consultant. So, I can explain the potential problems with showing the same content in two different URLs. Search Engines do not like it.

However, Blogger fixed this issue by introducing canonical tags. I have a detailed guide on it. You can read it from the link below.

I tested this code with another Blogspot blog. However, I have not implemented it on CoreNetworkZ due to possible code conflicts with other customizations.


  1. That is totally wrong, "No. Show desktop theme on mobile devices." does not remove "?m=1" when accessing through mobile device :) this would only use the responsive (in case it is actually responsive) theme that is installed. Test it with your own blog, you will see the m=1 is still there :)


    1. The last solution definitely works.

  2. August8:36 AM

    Awesome post.
    I will do this on my blog-

  3. It was a totaly wrong process.

  4. hi there, i've made an article disscuss about this problemm.
    I found a way to redirect ?m=1 to ?m=0 using some kind of javascript planted in your blog HTML.

    Check this out.

    Visit that link, and just copy paste the code i gave, put it inside head tag in your blog HTML Theme.
    hope this will help you.

  5. @ Tech Geek

    I have clearly said, this process is to show desktop theme instead of mobile theme. It works only with a responsive theme.

    @ TimHexa

    Seems a nice trick. I will check it later.

  6. my blog is
    and it is showing
    in Google page speed test
    Can you explain, how fix this problme


    It seems you have enabled the mobile version of your blog in Blogger settings. That is why you are seeing ?m=1. If you are using a responsive theme for your blog, you can turn of the mobile version.

  8. Totally wrong! Not working this tips. My blog- is still showing with ?m=1 for mobile users. Even your own blog URL is showing ?m=1 for in mobile.

  9. Definitivamente não funciona infelizmente.

    1. I have updated the post with another working solution.

  10. its stil displaying ?m=1 in mobile visit, how to remove it even already change it in theme option

  11. @ Halooham

    It works with responsive themes only.

  12. It's Not Working With me..What To Do ..????

    1. I have updated this post with another method.

  13. I checked your blog. is successfully redirecting to

  14. Hey, it's not working on my page

    1. The Script will work. I suggest you try it again.

  15. Is not working, I am using Litespot premium blogger template, which is all in one template responsive, yet it still showing......

  16. It is just hide ?m=1 not working still show redirect issue.

    1. You do not need to worry about the ?m=1 redirection. Google understands it and handle the problem with the Blogger canonical tag.


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